Repairin’ the Riparian
Wetlands and marshes historically lined Toronto’s shoreline, creating a connection between land and water, providing an integral intermediary habitat between the two.

This project tests various riparian regenerative technologies along the Keating Channel, a component of the Mouth of the Don which remains unaddressed in upcoming redesigns of the site. A feature of current bulkeads is a rigid verticality which does not allow for the establishment of riparian habitats. Rotating the plane of the Keating Channel’s edge, I created a gradual transition from vertical to gentle ramping. This site will be act as a testing ground and showcase for regenerative interventions.

Floating Wetland Platforms and Hardscape Plaza

Green Bulkhead Cages and Ampitheatre Seating

High Rugosity Paneling and Play Area

Planted Gabion Wall and Canoe Launch

Vegetated Log Cribs and Sculpture Gallery

Root Wads and Firepits

Brush Bundles and Passive Lawn

Live Staking and Boardwalk Trail